Useful Javascript Array functions
2 min readMay 23, 2020
Applies something on every element and outputs a new array
let cars = [{ id: 1, name: "Mercedes"}, { id: 2, name: "Red Bull"}, { id: 3, name: "Ferrari"}, { id: 4, name: "Renault"}] car => )// ["Mercedes", "Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Renault"] car => + "sssss")// [1, 2, 3, 4]
#2: Array.filter()
Filters out all elements that match condition and outputs an array with filtered elements
cars.filter( car => > 7)// [ {id: 1, name: "Mercedes"}, {id: 2, name: "Red Bull"} ]
#3: Array.find()
Returns the first match for the condition
// ["Mercedes", "Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Renault"]mappedCars.filter( car => car.length > 7 )// ["Mercedes", "Red Bull"]mappedCars.find( car => car.length > 7 )// "Mercedes"
#4: Array.every()
Returns boolean after checking every element in the array matches condition
// ["Mercedes", "Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Renault"]mappedCars.every( car => car.endsWith("s") )// false
#5: Array.some()
Returns boolean after checking if one of the elements in the array matches condition
// ["Mercedes", "Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Renault"]mappedCars.some( car => car.endsWith("s") )// true
#6: Array.includes()
Returns boolean after checking if one of the elements in the array matches string
// ["Mercedes", "Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Renault"]mappedCars.includes("Red Bull")// true// case sensitivemappedCars.includes("red bull")// false// case insensitive mappedCars.toLowerCase().includes("red bull")
// true
#7: Array.shift() and Array.shift()
// ["Mercedes", "Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Renault"]mappedCars.unshift("Williams")// ["Williams", "Mercedes", "Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Renault"]mappedCars.shift()// ["Mercedes", "Red Bull", "Ferrari", "Renault"]